Page 103 - AIT0324_E-Paper
P. 103

Entwurf • Design Lacroix Chessex, CH-Genf
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client Privat
                                                                                    Standort • Location CH-Vésenaz
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 362 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Olivier di Giambattista, CH-Genf
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

                                                                                    SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSE

                                                                                    IN VÉSENAZ

                                                                                    Activating the existing building and making it fit for
                                                                                    the future – this is what Lacroix Chessex architects did
                                                                                    with caution and power. On the street side, the house
                                                                                    retains its local character, while the two-storey exten-
                                                                                    sion on the garden side – with a view of Lake Geneva
                                                                                    – brings width into the depths of the space. The result
                                                                                    is a warm, light-filled retreat with a dual character.

                                                                                    S  ituated in Vésenaz, a village in the municipality of Collonge-Belleri-
                                                                                       ve, the house is just a few minutes from the centre of Geneva. The
                                                                                    strip-shaped plot is typical of plots in the area, has a surface area of
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                              464 square metres and measures 60 metres in length and eight metres
                                                                                    in width. The plot, which slopes down a considerable eight metres
                                                                                    from south-east to north-west, offers an unobstructed view of the lake
                                                                                    and the densely wooded slopes of the Jura mountains from the highest
                                                                                    point. The street-side façade is part of a diverse, historically evolved
                                                                                    street, the two very different neighbouring buildings nestle close tog-
                                                                                    ether and yet the house at 159 Route de la Capite appears to be com-
                                                                                    pletely self-sufficient. With the two-storey extension on the garden side,
                                                                                    the house not only gains living space, but also light elegance in delicate
                                                                                    tones. Formerly rather disparate and unattractive, the garden face of
                                                                                    the house has undergone cosmetic surgery and the extension has trans-
                                                                                    formed it into a radiant and openly friendly personality. In the existing
                                                                                    three-storey building, on the other hand, which has been refurbished
                                                                                    with subtle measures, the maturity and characteristics of its structural
             Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                              origins remain perceptible. The old and the new combine naturally,
                                                                                    there is no spatial disruption, no artificiality, even if the threshold to
                                                                                    the new world remains perceptible. The space and its elements always
                                                                                    accompany and guide its inhabitants in a continuous manner. On the
                                                                                    ground floor, the wooden-beam ceiling runs from old to new, but the
                                                                                    one step that exists at the joint continues to be a noticeable reminder
                                                                                    of the juncture. Materials and colours are used homogeneously throug-
                                                                                    hout the house, while specific features such as the folding construction
                                                                                    of the existing roof are proof that attention was paid to craftsmanship
                                                                                    in the course of the renovation. Although Lacroix Chessex architects
                                                                                    are fortunately no longer alone in this noticeably appreciative attitu-
                                                                                    de towards the existing building and its inherent stories, it cannot be
                                                                                    emphasized sufficiently that the question of how living space, which is
                                                                                    badly lacking throughout Europe, can be created in a climate-friendly
             Grundriss Dachgeschoss • Attic floor plan                              way can only be answered by activating an already existing building.

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