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Foto: Julius Lutterbüse                  Foto: Julius Lutterbüse

               Basilica di Santa Sabina all’Aventino (20) 422–440 n. Chr.  Bar Biffi Roma (22) 2018 von • by Studio Statuti

               R   ome – the Eternal City – has been the capital of Italy since 1871 and is also its largest  Sunday: From classic to romantic
                   city with its almost three million inhabitants. This can particularly be felt in the city
               centre. All year round – but of course particularly in the summer – it is overcrowded with  r 10 a.m. – We start our second day in typical Italian fashion with an espresso –
               tourists. The hustle and bustle is often chaotic but, at the same time, the city is so lively  this time at Pasticceria Nero Vaniglia (11). Since busses in Rome are unfortunately
               and varied that four months were hardly sufficient for seeing everything. After all, Rome  not very dependable, we again take the metro to get to the north of the city. There
               offers approximately 3,000 years of art history, architecture and culture.  we look at the Auditorium Parco della Musica (12) by Renzo Piano. The culture
                                                                             centre was built as of 1994 and its form reminds of gigantic shells. Three different
               Saturday: From conventional to trendy                         large concert halls provide space for a wide variety of concerts. Then we visit the
                                                                             nearby Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo MAXXI (13) designed by Zaha
               r 9 a.m – Here nothing can be felt of the stress in the city centre and the many tourists  Hadid Architects and opened in 2001 as a museum of contemporary art and the
               since almost only natives live in Garbatella. And although one still notices the flair of  first architecture museum in Italy. The L-shaped building consisting of merging ele-
               a metropolis, one quickly feels at home here. Doing as the Romans do, on our way  ments of exposed concrete adapts to the surrounding structures whereas the inte-
               we stop at the Bakery Roma (1) to get just a croissant for breakfast. We take the metro  rior is characterized by spacious galleries and floating black stairs. We briefly rest
               for just four stops into the city centre and the varied Monti district which rather has  in the beautyful park of Villa Borghese and enjoy the splendid view from Terrazza
               the atmosphere of an Italian small town. Here in the side streets and small squares  del Pincio (14).
               we find family-run trattorie, cosy wine bars and eccentric boutiques. We visit the  r 1.30 p.m. – AT Salotto 42 (15), we refresh ourselves with an Aperol Spritz and
               Mercato Monti (2) market held every weekend indoors close to the Cavour metro sta-  delicious little titbits. Now we are ready for visiting the atmospheric Pantheon (16).
               tion. Creative suppliers here sell their own creations and vintage articles. Afterwards,  The antique building turned into a church is famous for its cupola open to the sky.
               we enjoy a short break in the hip Analemma café (3) before walking just a few minu-  As an afternoon snack, we buy the most famous tiramisu in Rome from Pompi (17).
               tes straight to the Colosseum (4). As for every monument in Rome, it is worthwhile  We sit down on the Spanish Steps (18), one of the most famous outside staircases
               to order the tickets online beforehand.                       worldwide. From here, we can watch the hustle and bustle of the city and briefly
               r 1.30 p.m. – For lunch, we head to the traditional Pizzeria Ai Marmi (5) in Trastevere.  relax before  visiting the probably busiest landmark – the  Trevi Fountain (19).
               r 3 p.m.. – Fortified with pizza and classic starters we visit St Peter’s Basilica (6), the  Following tradition, we throw coins into the water over our right shoulders which
               centre of the Vatican and one of the landmarks of the Eternal City. For a first magnificent  is to bring luck and make sure that we will come back to Rome again.
               view of the city, we go to Castle Sant’Angelo (7) located right next to the urban-deve-  r 5 p.m. – For a few last quiet hours in the big city, we retreat to the Orange
               lopment  visual axis of St Peter’s Basilica.  We again cross the  Tiber on the Ponte  Garden (20). Here, we catch a last magnificent view of the city. Just a few steps
               Sant’Angelo and continue towards Piazza Navona (8), one of the most characteristic  away, one can admire the Basilica di Santa Sabina all’Aventino which is characte-
               squares of Baroque Rome.                                      rized by its magnificent simple interior. Another magic place on the Aventin, one of
               r 7 p.m. – For dinner, we return on foot to Trastevere. The former workers’ district is  the Seven Hills of Rome, is the “Buco di Roma” where, through a little keyhole, you
               today known for traditional but also for innovative restaurants, small handicraft  can look across the garden of the  Villa del Prioreto right onto the cupola of St
               shops and a lively night life. For a change from the classic Italian food, we visit the  Peter’s Cathedral.
               modern Coffee Pot Trastevere (9) sushi restaurant. Besides extraordinary sushi crea-  r 7 p.m. – Rested and full of new impressions, we dine at the very romantic La
               tions, it also offers a rough but cosy industrial charm. Later, we end the evening in  Maisonette Ristrot (21) restaurant serving extraordinary pasta dishes. For the con-
               one of the numerous bars in the direct vicinity. As it is customary for many Italians,  clusion of our weekend in Rome, we go to our favourite bar, Biffi Roma (22). At any
               late in the evening we are attracted by a modern yet traditional ice-cream parlour in  time of day, the bar with its loving furnishing and the relaxed atmosphere is always
               Ostiense for a small dessert. The Gelateria La Romana (10) is famous for its very fresh  right and we spent countless hours here with friends. Studio Statuti, friends of the
               select ice cream flavours and ice-cream waffles with liquid chocolate.   owners, did a very good job to create the perfect place to end an eventful weekend.

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